Paracip-650 Tablet Uses, Side effects, Overdose

CompositionParacetamol/acetaminophen(650 mg)
Company nameCipla Ltd.
Medicine TypeAntipyretic(fever reducer)
Route of administrationOral
Prescription requiredNo

General uses of Paracip-650 Tablet

Paracip-650 contains paracetamol which is a pain reliever and fever reducer.

Paracetamol is used to treat conditions like headaches, muscle aches, backache, arthritis, toothaches, and fever.

How Paracip-650 works?/Mechanism of action

Paracip-650 works by interfering with the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for the fever, swelling, and sensation of pain.

Paracip-650 also acts on the area of the brain that is responsible for controlling body temperature.

Paracip-650 tablet has mild analgesic(pain reducer) and more antipyretic(fever reducer) effect.

Side effects of Paracip-650 Tablet

Paracip-650 Tablet does not cause any serious side effects. In some cases, it may show some side effects like:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach ache


Taking Paracip-650 Tablets in high doses may lead to serious liver damage.

Other general warnings:

Talk to your doctor if

  • You have severe liver or kidney disease.
  • You are taking some other medicines that contain paracetamol because taking too much paracetamol can cause liver damage.
  • You are an alcoholic person.

Some FAQs

Can I use the Paracip-650 tablet for Fever?

Yes, Paracip-650 Tablet is good for bringing down the temperature of the body.

Can I use Paracip-650 in pregnancy?

You can use Paracip-650 in pregnancy. But it should be in a low dose and should be recommended by your doctor.

Can Paracip-650 be used for headache?

Yes, it can be used in treating headache.

Can I use the Paracip-650 tablet for the cold?

Paracip-650 will not help you to effectively treat the symptoms of the cold. You can go for other combination medicines that contain paracetamol, cetirizine, and phenylephrine to get better results.

Is it safe to use Paracip-650 tablets during breastfeeding?

Yes, It is safe to use this tablet during breastfeeding.


Paracip-650 tablet is a medicine that contains Paracetamol and the general uses of this tablet are in the treatment of fever, pain, and other conditions like muscle pain, toothache, and headache.

Do not use Paracip-650 tablet with the use of alcohol. Doing so may harm your liver.

Sahil Nasa (B. Pharma)
Sahil Nasa (B. Pharma)

Sahil is the founder of He likes to read books and write blogs.

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