Defcort 6 Tablet Uses, Side effects, Precautions

Defcort 6 Tablet uses, side effects, precautions, substitutes

CompositionDeflazacort (6mg)
CompanyMacleods Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Medicine typeCorticosteroid
Prescription requiredYes
Route of administrationOral
UsesBreathing problems, Allergic reactions
Side effectsWeight gain, Increased appetite
PrecautionPregnancy, Hypersensitivity

General uses of Defcort 6 Tablet

Defcort 6 Tablet is a steroid medicine. It is generally used for the treatment of allergic reactions, inflammatory disorders, and immunological disorders.

This medicine can be prescribed for the treatment of breathing problems, joint and muscle problems, asthma, and autoimmune disorders.

It can also be used for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (a genetic disorder that causes muscle weakness and degradation).

Ingredients of Defcort 6 Tablet

Deflazacort: Defcort 6 Tablet contain deflazacort (6mg). Deflazacort belongs to the class of medications known as corticosteroids. It is used in the treatment of inflammatory and immunological disorders.

When Defcort 6 Tablet is prescribed?

Defcort 6 Tablet is prescribed for conditions like:

  • Inflammation
  • Allergic reactions
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Breathing problems
  • Asthma
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Tips related to Defcort 6 Tablet

  • Your doctor may prescribe you Defcort 6 Tablet for allergic reactions, inflammatory disorders, and immunological disorders.
  • Take the dose of this medicine as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Do not use this medicine more often than prescribed by your doctor.

Side effects of Defcort 6 Tablet

Defcort 6 Tablet may cause side effects like:

  • Peptic ulcer
  • Weight gain
  • Headache
  • Increased appetite
  • Abnormal hair growth
  • Cushing syndrome


Alcohol: It is not advised to use Defcort 6 Tablet with alcohol.

Pregnancy: It may be unsafe to use Defcort 6 Tablet during pregnancy.

Liver or Kidney disease: Defcort 6 Tablet should be used with caution in patients with any liver or kidney disease.

Hypersensitivity: You should avoid using this medicine if you ever feel hypersensitive (allergic) to deflazacort.

Osteoporosis: Defcort 6 Tablet may oppose the action of vitamin D. So it should be used with caution in patients with osteoporosis or any other bone disorders.

Tuberculosis: This medicine decreases the immune response of the body. Patients that are suffering from TB (tuberculosis) should not use this medicine.

How to use Defcort 6 Tablet?

Take the dose of Defcort 6 Tablet as advised by your doctor.

You can take this medicine with or without having a meal.

Do not chew, crush, or break the tablet. Swallow it as a whole.

Storage of Defcort 6 Tablet

Store Defcort 6 Tablet at room temperature.

Keep this medicine away from direct sunlight.

Keep this medicine away from kids and pets.

Tell your doctor if:

  • You are allergic to deflazacort.
  • You’re a pregnant woman.
  • You have gastrointestinal disorders (peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis).

How does Defcort 6 Tablet work? / Mechanism of action

Deflazacort in Defcort 6 Tablet works by inhibiting chemical substances (prostaglandins) in the body that cause inflammation.

It also works by reducing the immune system’s response to several diseases and helps reduce inflammation and allergic reactions.

Substitutes of Defcort 6 Tablet

Cortimax 6mg TabletZuventus Healthcare Ltd
Enzocort 6 TabletAlkem Laboratories Ltd
Zefcort 6 TabletLeeford Healthcare Ltd
Defza 6 TabletWallace Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Mahacort-DZ 6 TabletMankind Pharma Ltd

Some FAQs

What are the uses of the Defcort 6 Tablet?

Defcort 6 Tablet belongs to a class of medications known as corticosteroids. It is used in the treatment of allergic reactions, breathing problems, inflammation, and autoimmune disorders.

Can I use Defcort 6 Tablet during pregnancy?

No, It is not advised to use Defcort 6 Tablet during pregnancy.

Can Defcort 6 Tablet cause weight gain?

Yes, Defcort 6 Tablet has some negative side effects like weight gain. It can cause weight gain by increasing appetite, fluid retention, and by fat redistribution. The fat gained by this medicine usually occurs on the abdomen, face, neck, and shoulder.

Is Defcort 6 Tablet a steroid?

Yes, Defcort 6 Tablet is a steroid medicine that shows anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties.

What is the dose and duration of Defcort 6 Tablet for adults?

For adults, Defcort 6 Tablet can be prescribed one tablet once a day. But the dose and duration of this medicine are not the same for all. You should always consult your doctor about the dose and duration of this medicine.


Defcort 6 Tablet is a steroid medicine that contains deflazacort as its active ingredient.

It is mainly used in the treatment of inflammation, allergic reactions, breathing problems, and auto-immune disorders.

Defcort 6 Tablet can lead to various side effects and hence it should be used only under the supervision of a registered medical practitioner.

Disclaimer: The information contained in is presented for the purpose of educating consumers. Nothing contained in is intended to be instructional for medical diagnosis or treatment. The information should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on to suggest a course of treatment for a particular individual. Information obtained in is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment.

Sahil Nasa (B. Pharma)
Sahil Nasa (B. Pharma)

Sahil is the founder of He likes to read books and write blogs.